Monday, October 25, 2010

Reflections on the supervision and standardization

Abstract In this paper, the construction industry in China since the implementation of the supervision system to the current situation and difficulties faced, explore the various reasons, and from the practice of supervision of construction work on the standardization of China put forward their own views.

1 Supervision of the present situation and the environment faced by

Supervision of construction projects undertaken in nearly ten years, due to the construction industry for many years entrenched ways of thinking and practice, making the implementation of supervision in accordance with international practice, the system is not perfect. Supervision of the conduct in this area has been stagnant deep, also resulted in the development of China's construction market is not standardized, unhealthy. Supervision of the present situation and problems due to environment, mainly in the following areas:

(1) most of the current construction projects are not the whole process of supervision, but only limited supervision of the construction phase of the project.

(2) in the supervision system, the three elements of "quality, investment and progress," control, the actual work is only to stay in quality control, and investment, the progress of the majority is a form of control, many still remain in the talk by the project owner count of the stage, did not reflect the impartiality of the Commissioner.

(3) in the supervision system implementation process, supervision of construction projects should have the necessary authority. Dan in China can not fully exercise their supervisory powers of supervision in accordance with criteria for issuing the important directives (Ru suspension order, resumption of work order, etc.) Since the parties failed to implement Zhixing Ganrao last.

(4) construction projects, due to conservative ideas, some owners can not straighten their position on the supervisory responsibilities under the contract does not actively perform, such as: do not pay the supervision fee under the contract on time, can not provide office space for the supervision and work facilities.

(5) As the construction market, increasing competition, the supervision and project supervision units to obtain competing to keep the prices down, causing the market cycle. Management remuneration is low, affecting the work of supervision engineer's enthusiasm and sense of responsibility.

2 Analysis

2.1 The project owner has not changed the old concept of form drag on the supervision system to promote

Engineering Project Management System in accordance with international practice, project owners, contractors, construction supervision units form a mainstay of the market, they are each equal trimers, there is no affiliation between each other, nor is the relationship between employment and be employed. However, due to the current competitive construction market, demand exceeds supply, and the bidding system is not perfect, the owners seem, his supervision units and contractors are hired, and should listen to his command. Therefore, the supervision will often be the owners of interference and obstruction. In our previous supervisory experience in a project once it two things: a construction unit in the pouring of concrete, the surface structure with local anesthesia occurred, supervisors, after careful observation, that Ma face is partial, superficial, do not need special treatment.

Can make up for the course of follow-up of plaster, while the on-site owners on behalf of the lack of engineering experience, too much emphasis on project quality, the need to rework deal with, and unauthorized construction units work to make rectification order, both the delay time, increased construction unit costs unnecessarily. Another thing is the construction unit in the reinforced concrete construction process, there is no implementation of the process inspection system, reinforced by the supervisors did not verify the check and acceptance, but also did not get the concrete poured to make the case to unauthorized pouring of concrete, supervisors discovered , immediately issued a stop work order and request construction unit rework, but the owners to drive progress, strongly disagree supervisors views, resulting in orders can not be implemented. The opposite surface, these two things, but in fact the owners are not properly position itself, ultra vires the command, so that supervision can not be normal. Although some owners to control their investments to the supervising engineer, but it is only a superficial, when the progress of the project supervising engineer visa section of the certificate, the owner does not pay on time and quantity, resulting in supervising engineer on the project investment can not be effective control, also makes the schedule control has become empty talk. This is the "Three control" into "one control" of the main reasons.

2.2 Supervision needs to further improve the formulation of laws and regulations

Supervising engineer services for the owners, and owners have the authority and the commission before engaging in supervision. Thus, supervisors can easily be subject to the owners. When owners and contractors in the project implementation disputes, supervising engineer shall be subject to third-party standing in the position of Commissioner of the Code, the fair treatment of both disputes. In China, the current "standard of construction supervision of the commission contract terms," it does not confer the power of supervision engineer should therefore be able to manage this very difficult. For example, the "standard of construction supervision commission contract terms" Article 16 (2) provides: Release Management Engineer start order, suspension order, return to work order by the owner's consent to. This limits the independence of the work supervision engineer, will not be able to deal justly with the owners and contractors of the dispute. In the real work, will often see this phenomenon: As the work of upholding the principles of supervision engineers, and sometimes there was a deadlock on the make supervision; or just listen to the owners of the supervising engineer, and also allows supervision to lose impartiality.

2.3 Supervision Unit their own problems

Supervisors their quality is not high. As the current market standard in supervision, and supervision of low remuneration, supervision can not attract high-quality technical expertise, personnel engaged in supervision. Therefore, the supervisors presented the organizational structure of polarization: one is from the construction, design units are older retired from the engineering and technical personnel. These people have a certain theoretical and practical experience, but lack practical experience in project supervision. The other part is just and colleges allocated to the graduates. That some people experience worse. Some supervisors discipline loose, or even use work will take, take, to greatly damaged the reputation of the profession supervision. Although the nominal supervision units have a number of levels of qualification certificate and business license, but not their regular employees, do not possess the qualifications in supervision. Made task on a few people on the provisional Minato, mission was over, staff on the dissolution, not to mention conduct standardized supervision.

3 on the standard supervision Suggestions

3.1 The project owner to change the old ideas, and project owners to conduct the necessary constraints and norms

(1) The Government should be representatives of the owner or owners induction training. Analysis from the front, we can see the behavior of the owners is the impact of supervision carried out important factors. Supervision can be carried out smoothly, the key is whether there is a good quality of the owners. This is mainly because the owner holds a lot of construction activity in the decision-making power, but no corresponding rules and regulations binding. Supervisory personnel engaged in supervision, to have the certificate of supervision engineer positions, and the owners of the site owners or representatives of accredited project management do not need any certificate. They may not understand the procedures and working methods of supervision, technical expertise or do not know, but can use their power, subjectivity. The solution is to allow owners to learn the relevant state policies and regulations, learn the professional technical knowledge, and obtain the corresponding positions certificate to apply for construction permits and other relevant written procedures.

(2) to strengthen government enforcement inspection and supervision. Projects in accordance with international practice management system, the administrative department of the government building to the owners, contractors and supervision units and supervision of construction activities. But in fact, carry out the work in this area is relatively weak, causing some owners of irregularities or unreasonable demands in limbo, unable to correct the situation. Therefore, we should strengthen the government departments of law enforcement inspection and supervision and management, there is need for criticism and education through administrative penalties and other means, stipulating that the owners of 涓?irregularities.

3.2 to further modify and improve the supervision and regulations

The current supervision, the supervising engineer is difficult to play a role in contract management, mainly due to the existing legislation does not empower the Commissioner of supervision engineer should have power.鍥藉鐨勩?FIDIC 鍦熸湪宸ョ▼鏂藉伐鍚堝悓鏉′欢銆嬬殑绐佸嚭鐗圭偣鏄紝鍦ㄤ紬澶氭潯娆惧唴灏嗙鐞嗙殑鏉冨姏璧嬩簣浜嗙洃鐞嗗伐绋嬪笀銆傛瘮濡傦紝鍦ㄨ繘搴︽帶鍒舵柟闈紝鐩戠悊宸ョ▼甯堝彂甯冪殑寮?伐浠ゃ?鍋滃伐浠ゃ?澶嶅伐浠や笉闇?缁忚繃涓氫富鐨勫悓鎰忋?

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銆??3.3 鍩瑰吇涓?壒楂樼礌璐ㄧ殑宸ョ▼寤鸿鐩戠悊浜烘墠


銆??3.4 鍔犲己瀵圭洃鐞嗗崟浣嶇殑璧勮川瀹℃煡涓庣鐞?br />
銆??濡備笂鎵?堪锛岀洰鍓嶅悎鏍肩殑鐩戠悊浜哄憳骞朵笉澶氾紝浣嗘槸鐩戠悊鍗曚綅鍗存垚绔嬩簡寰堝锛屽憟鐜颁竴鍝勮?涓婄殑灞?潰銆傛寜鐓с?宸ョ▼寤鸿鐩戠悊鍗曚綅璧勮川绠$悊璇曡鍔炴硶銆嬶紝瀵圭幇鏈夌洃鐞嗗崟浣嶈繘琛岀殑璧勮川瀹℃煡锛屽涓嶅鏉′欢鐨勶紝璇ラ檷绾х殑闄嶇骇锛岃鎾ら攢鐨勬挙閿??鍙湁杩欐牱锛屾墠鑳芥爲绔嬭捣鐩戠悊琛屼笟鑹ソ鐨勮亴涓氬舰璞★紝鎺ㄥ姩鐩戠悊浜嬩笟鏈濊鑼冨寲銆佸埗搴﹀寲銆佺瀛﹀寲鏂瑰悜鍙戝睍锛屼繚璇佺洃鐞嗕簨涓氱殑鍋ュ悍鎴愰暱銆?br />


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

To work time "to steal food," the employee settings, "Health Model"

From "stealing food" and "health model" Speaking of

Recently, QQ happy farm for many users, "middle of the night to steal food" phenomenon, in particular, introduced a "health model" of the new features. In the "health model" effect of time period, the system can protect the farm, friends during this time will not steal your food. Open the health model, the day the period 00:00-07:00 of "peace rest time", friends can not be extracted to your farm operation, of course, this time period you can not steal the same good Friends and harvest their crops. 07:00 am after the health model will be automatically lifted.

It is reported that, with the exception QQ farm, happy net, all net sites all have "stolen food" game. QQ farm with "health model" than the network has a similar plan happy, such as the Internet can choose their own gardens have rest time, rest time can not harvest certain plants or animals can not be stolen.

Reclamation enterprises, the staff "stealing food"

Online "stealing food," the game and gradually become a widespread social phenomenon, not only affects the users normal night rest, there are many white-collar work hours indulging in "stealing food" game, leading to decline in the quality and efficiency, and even one has lost his job. However, by comparison, the Internet, "stealing food," only the tip of the iceberg, more work-related network applications, such as the use of QQ, MSN, Want Want Taobao IM tools such as chat, online movies, listening to music, write a blog, in the community and the BBS posting meaningless irrigation, use of BT, Thunder, Express, etc. to download video files, shares, and visit entertainment sites, online shopping, etc., a wide variety of online entertainment acts will occur during working hours in the office. These work-related personal network behavior - in another sense of "stealing food" - taking up a lot of staff time and energy it can not focus at work, work efficiency greatly reduced, but also a waste of units of bandwidth, improved office costs, so that units of the network, "vegetable" shortage, drought, pests and hygiene, production plummeted.

Enterprises access to the Internet in order to better improve employee productivity, business unit to provide efficient and convenient processing tools, communication measures, transport infrastructure and information access platform, on the rational use of network bandwidth resources so that maximum value is the common aspiration of all the network units. However, all staff working hours online behavior of non-work demands it and the unit runs counter to the interests of not only the damaged unit, but not conducive to the growth of its own staff and long-term development. On the one hand, the unit hope the employees can fully physically and mentally during their working hours into work, do not waste a single second of time; the other hand, employees working hours of network resources using the unit dealing with the "private business" can not concentrate at work affect efficiency. Seen in this light, the unit and staff appears to have a confrontation, irreconcilable contradictions. In fact, if handled properly, take the right management, this seemingly irreconcilable contradictions could be eliminated, or even to further the interests of both units and employees to achieve a high degree of unity.

Work and rest, reasonable "extract"

In the end there is a solution to the disorder line staff working hours problem? This problem has plagued the business unit network management, while giving owners a headache. Increasing popularity of the Internet era, network directly off certainly does not work. Staff working hours to monitor the online behavior and the establishment of inspection staff will be more alone time, manpower, material costs, the enterprise is more worth it. Firewalls, proxy servers, routers, gateways, UTM, they can try to network and security management device also no way to solve all the problems in one step. Units can not do anything on the Internet, feel despair, the Shanghai R & D network of new web-way independent inspectors of Internet behavior management device shine in the market to enterprises and institutions of employee Web access management and network information security sheds some light .

For the QQ space, happy network, school web sites such as farms, "stealing food" games, the network can be done to prohibit the staff inspectors working hours access to the site or prevent such network services so that employees can not be big in the working time "kind of vegetables, "" stealing food "and will concentrate on work, security work efficiency. When setting rules, the relevant management staff in various departments according to the nature of work units and specific working conditions of employees to develop flexible management strategies. Typically, if a company working time 9:00-12:00 am, 13:00-18:00 pm, then the company can access the network inspector will allow SNS website and its game time set for the morning and the module 9:00 until noon, 12:00-13:00, and after 18 o'clock this evening the three time periods. In this way, employees can concentrate on work during working hours, non-working time in the game a rest, relax, play a relieve fatigue. Previously described for a wide variety of employee non-work online behavior, the unit can also be taken to develop management strategies of this management.

Network Inspector also allows differentiation of the online personnel authorized by this feature, the unit can be senior managers and key personnel to avoid monitoring, preventing the disclosure of confidential information caused by excessive control. Needs of different departments according to their access to the corresponding authority would allow for unified management. Network Inspector is by far the most professional, most comprehensive network behavior management functions, such as user management, real-time monitoring, access control, bandwidth management, mail interception, desktop management, information auditing, statistical analysis, intelligent maintenance and management of central functions, Internet units can be flexible according to management needs to set their own management strategies and rules, the maximum value of network resources.

Use of the Internet behavior management device, easy to solve the network access unit staff face behavior management problems, Internet behavior management devices appropriately played a "health model" protective effect, employees can not work time to "extract" the fruit farm, the business unit to develop "vegetable" and therefore be effectively protected, the harvest will be better harvest.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teach you from complex background using Photoshop cutout dress

Some time ago made a "wedding Matting simplest method" tutorial, many people asked, if the background is a flower, how to pull it? Today I again made a tutorial about this, I hope we can be inspired by this tutorial, we extend an open line of thought.

1, the following is the original image to be processed:

Pending pictures

2, with the pen tool or lasso tool to tick the main characters (ie non-transparent part) is as follow:

Tick the main body with a pen or lasso

3, as a constituency included in the path. This sentence does not matter if you clear, you press ctrl + Enter to path to ant line on the line. As shown:

As a constituency included in the path

4, to keep ants line the same, automatically generated by ctrl + j "Layer 1", hide the background layer, the effect shown in the figure:

Copy constituency for the new layer

5, hidden layer 1, back to the background layer, with the pen tool or lasso tool to tick transparent wedding, we also addressed this important part of transparency.

Outlined some of transparency Wedding

6 Similarly, the press ctrl + Enter so that the path to ant line. Press ctrl + j automatically generated "Layer 2", hidden background layer, the effect shown in the figure:

Generate a new layer copy of constituencies

7, hold down the ctrl key, electric shocks in the red circle icon with the mouse button in the bottom layer 2 automatically generates a "layer 3", will be filled with the blue layer 3, as shown:

New and fill layers

8, we are now thinking of how to dress in a way to get rid of grass in it? Gaussian blur can be done with specific practices, please continue to look down.

Gaussian blur

9, first layer 2 and layer mode to "brightness", you see, the grass disappeared, leaving a white wedding dress and white things like grass.

Change the layer mixed-mode

10, the same pen tool or lasso tool to tick the range of white grass area. As shown:

Outlines the scope of regional white grass

11, emergence constituency

Emergence constituency

12, emergence is 2

Eclosion value of 2

13, Gaussian blur

Gaussian blur

14, we see, by the Gaussian blur, the elimination of the Pennisetum-like things, but the wedding was not very transparent.

Gaussian blur effect

15, in order to make more transparent wedding, you need to adjust the "Brightness / Contrast" the.

Adjust the "Brightness / Contrast"

16, will transfer into the brightness value of -15, significantly higher than on the wedding plans a bit transparent.

Set the brightness value

17, press ctrl + d cancel ant line, so that layer 1 appears before the eyes, the wedding matting basically completed.


18, back to Layer 1, with the stamp tool to trim the edge of the weeds clothes.

Clothes with a seal tool to trim the edge of the weeds

19, with the stamp tool a few random points, the final results as shown:

We see, Wedding pull out! Is it difficult to pull it? As long as we are willing to use their brains, it is also not difficult!

Add this: We must note that this is a very important addition! If the background is different, the final results are not satisfactory, can be transparent to the color layer wedding, and then change the layer mode to "screen" (the "color filter"), then "Brightness / Contrast" command slightly adjusted depending on the circumstances, the effect as good.

To color

Change the layer mixed mode "screen (the color filter)"

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Fireworks create a beautiful effect Navigation

(Figure 2.1)

Below I will teach you how to make over this button:

First create a new canvas 500 * 400 size, draw a rectangle 400 * 40, tune into the gradient, shown in Figure 2.1.1

(Figure 2.1.1)

Ever come out of a month that we do like the graphics shown in Figure 2.1.2

(Figure 2.1.2)

Then we use some fixed selection tool

Select the rectangle on top two in Figure 2.1.3

(Figure 2.1.3)

Hold down the shift key, double-click to the right. Figure 2.1.4

(Figure 2.1.4)

Draw a green rectangle, we get through some of the selected tool shown in Figure 2.1.5 a

(Figure 2.1.5)


We have shown through the copy and paste 2.1.6

(Figure 2.1.6)


We have shown in Figure 2.1.7

(Figure 2.1.7)

Graphic light, white property in Figure 2.1.8

(Figure 2.1.8)

Then light colors are shown in Figure 2.1.9 for the # 7B869A

(Figure 2.1.9)


Copy and paste graphics, remove the strokes, move right two pixels, shown in Figure 2.1.10

(Figure 2.1.10)

Draw a rectangle yellow gradient. Place the lower graph in Figure 2.1.11

(Figure 2.1.11)

Draw a rectangle in Figure 2.1.12

(Figure 2.1.12)

Settings shown in Figure 2.1.13

(Figure 2.1.13)

The width is set to "1" rotating "20 degrees" cut and paste. Then move right one pixel. Gradient to white. And then copy and paste. Figure 2.1.14

(Figure 2.1.14)

Draw a white point 1 * 1 pixel move right one pixel to black. Repeat the process. Figure 2.1.15

(Figure 2.1.15)

OK, here we have the graphics are basically finished. We hope that this tutorial can be enlightening.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Ever CD AMR WMA to MP3 ID3 Tag Ripper

Ever CD AMR WMA to MP3 ID3 Tag Ripper extracts audio CD tracks to audio formats MP3, WAV, and OGG in seconds. Ever CD AMR WMA to MP3 ID3 Tag Ripper is one of the quickest and easiest to use tools of its kind. Besides his ease of use it has some additional advanced features like using Free CDDB(CD database). Ever CD AMR WMA to MP3 ID3 Tag Ripper - Besides his ease of use it has some additional advanced features like using Free CDDB(CD database). It is suited for both veterans and beginners - If you are a veteran, you will find there are so many options you can set, if you are a beginner, you don't have to consider these options, just use default settings and rip CDs in a few clicks. CDA to MP3, MP3, CD, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM converter- convert CDA to MP3; It supports ID3 tag - You can read/edit ID3 tag yourself before ripping.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Merry MP3 Midi to Sound Burner

Merry MP3 Midi to Sound Burner is a visual multifunctional and graphical audio editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects, format conversion and more. Merry MP3 Midi to Sound Burner - Apply effects to selected area, zoom in/out, cut, copy, paste, mix, amplify, normalize, echo, stretch, fade in/out, invert, everse, null signal, silence, convert format, undo/redo etc. You can also record from any available source. Audio formats supported include: WAV, MP3, MP2, WMA, OGG, G721, G723, G726, VOX, RAW and PCM. It supports burn music CD from AVI, MPEG, WMV, MPEG4, 3GP, ASF, MOV, RM, MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, AU, M4A, RA, OGG, AC3 etc. Multithreading and batch conversion supported and you can custom the number of the files to be converted Easy to use as all the properties and settings are displayed in the interface which are easy to handle Standard mode and advanced mode provided for beginners and veterans